Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our Little Hero!!!

posted by Larr at 7:23 AM
Well everybody.....Sophia is only 20 months old and she is already a real life hero!!! She was out at my parents house yesterday with my Mom and Dad. They were in another room watching TV when Sophia came walking into the room just grunting and pointing, which is what she usually does when she wants you to follow her. Well my Mom got up and followed her to the den. When they got there she found her dog Bingo with her head stuck inside a plastic potato chip bag unable to get it off. My Mom said the bag was just slowing expanding and then contracting back. She pulled it off Bingos head and she said at first she just laid there and tried to get her breath again. Anybody that knows Bingo knows that that dog is just too hyper to just lay there. My Mom said she wasn't planning on leaving that room for a good while so if it hadn't been for Sophia my Mom's dog would not be here today!! Below I have a picture of Bingo and one of our Little Hero!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Christi!!!!

posted by Larr at 7:43 AM
I'm a day late on this but Happy Birthday Christi!! You are the greatest wife and mother a man or kids could ever have!!

I love you!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What a day!!

posted by Christi at 9:13 PM
There were 4, that's right--4, snakes found in the school today!!! My friend, Lindsey, nearly stepped on one in the stairwell, one was found under a bed in the lifeskills room, one was caught on a glue trap in the office, and the other was found in the journalism classroom.....just two doors up from me!!!! SWEET FANCY MOSES!! Anyone entering my room after that would've found me and the kids sitting on top of the desks as we read and discussed Puritan literature. After some research, it was deduced that the culprits were merely rat snakes, not poisonous at all. Relieved? Definitely. Coming off the desk top any time soon? No way.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sophie gets jiggy with the Backyardigans

posted by Larr at 7:10 PM
Sophia always does some kind of funny dance while she is watching the Backyardigans. We are thinking about calling it the Chicken Wing. But she has always stopped dancing as soon as we get the camera out. Well tonight Christi finally had the camera in hand when it happened. So making her dancing debut......Sophia Grace Rhea!!!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Livin' it Up on Labor Day

posted by Christi at 7:48 PM
One week of school down, trying to get back into a routine of going to bed and getting up early, lunches made and bags packed every night (fully prepared for whatever disaster could, and probably won't ever, happen)....we definitely needed this long weekend. We went out to my Uncle Dave's (we call him Big D) this afternoon for a fish fry and some much needed fun, games, and relaxation with the family unit. The food was awesome, as usual, and the kids left a ring around my nice clean tub after bath tonight since they were so filthy. That's how ya know it was a good time. Here are some pictures from the day. Hope yours wasn't too laborious!

Meme, Pop, and Ace playing a little shuffleboard

Mason enjoys his tortilla chips...but I mean, who doesn't?

A chip in one hand, Funny Bunny and a bat in the other...does life get any better?

Little Rey isn't so little anymore...she's a mama now! This is Braylan!

Alyssa, Becs, Landon, and Chance...just chillin'

Larr has finally met his match in CJ. I didn't think anyone loved playing games as much as my husband, but CJ sure does. Here they were throwing darts.

Soph thought she'd take Big D's boat for a spin.

The A-Man, my one and only tiny man. He looks sweet, but I think he was doing something rotten here. I'm not sure what, though....

Our little running back...every father's dream!