Tuesday was Aidan's very first T-ball game! While we got off to a late start, the festivities were well worth the wait. I haven't laughed that hard in a while! Once a ball is hit, the entire, and I do mean ENTIRE, outfield comes rushing in after it. Kids are darting about here and there...sometimes they just fall down in the dirt for no other reason than for the simple fact that it's fun and they wanna get dirty. It was so great. What's even cooler is that Larr is helping the coach out on the field. He stands at the plate and helps the kids get their batting stance down, shows 'em how to hold the bat...you get the idea. It's so precious, and it's been a great opportunity for Larr and Aidan to bond over something they both genuinely enjoy. Sophie and I hang out in the bleachers, the ULTIMATE cheerleaders. Here are some pictures from the evening. Sorry there are no action shots; they didn't come out too well.

The Sophster hangin' out in her stroller. Her t-shirt says "Aidan's #1 Fan." I had shirts made that say "Aidan's mom" and "Aidan's dad," too. That's right. We're THAT family.

This is Ace with his buddy, Carson. They're in the same class at school, and Carson's dad is the coach. There wasn't an inch of that ballpark they didn't cover.

Is this surreal or what? Long live the #5!

Go Giants!
wow -- that is surreal!! and too cool!! I'm sure he'll be a great ball player, like his dad and uncle B!
loooove your shirts - what a lucky little boy to have such proud and loving parents!
The games have been so much fun!! Can't wait till the next one! GGOOOOO GIANTS!!!!
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