Splish, Splash We Were Takin' a Bath!!
posted by Christi at 7:29 PM
These pictures were so sweet, I just had to share them. Bath time here at the Rhea house is pretty hectic. Larr and I have devised a pretty awesome "assembly line" in which one is washing while the other is drying. I must admit, however, that we two adults, we two educated and mature adults, are no match for two small children with a plan. It's fairly humiliating. But even so, when it's all said and done, when Larr is changing back into a dry shirt and I'm wondering if the diaper rash ointment will come out of my hair, our babies are too precious to stay mad at for long. Just look at 'em!

They make it all worth while. :) Life would be so boring without them. Enjoy it while you can, they soon grow up and are gone away. :(
Have a great day!!
They are too cute! Came across your page from the other Rheas I know and I must say I am glad I did :)
C, you write exactly like you talk! I could imagine hearing you tell the story as I was reading which made it even more enjoyable!
Just one of the many adventures in parenthood that makes it ALL worthwhile... Enjoy & love every second because they grow so fast... Aren't they just so precious tho???
they are too cute!! looks like they had a great time in the tub! I love reading your writing Christi - you always make me laugh so much!
I can just imagine Sophia and Ace hatching out a plan while you two are turned the other way! ;) This is probably just an example of the schemes they will come up with later!!!
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