Yes, that's right. I'm FINALLY getting up our Christmas post. Why is it that the holidays never feel much like a "holiday?" Where's the rest? Where's the relaxation that's implied in such a word? I don't know about you guys, but I'm STILL tired! The house finally looks like a house again, and not some dumping ground for boxes, instruction manuals and random batteries. And our sweets are nearly gone. But this Christmas, no matter how hectic it was, will always be special. This was indeed a Christmas of firsts for us. For example, it was:
1. Sophie's first Christmas EVER!
2. our niece, Clara's, first Christmas EVER!
3. my complete family's first Christmas together.
4. the first year Aidan REALLY understood the concept of Santa, presents, and became genuinely excited on Christmas morning.
If you could bottle moments in time and keep them forever, this Christmas would definitely go on my shelf. Here are some pictures from the day. Hope everyone's new year is safe and happy!

Sophie enjoys her new shape sorting blocks and the "My Little Pony" Santa left in her stocking.
Babies' first Christmas, Clara and Sophie.