Well, spring has officially arrived...or maybe it's been here for a while, I don't know. The fact of the matter is, we had our first "springtime experience" last Sunday. First of all, the weather was completely gorgeous. Blue skies, warm breezes...beautiful. And if you've never been to our house in the spring, your nose is missing a real treat. There's honeysuckle EVERYWHERE. It grows wild in the ditches and trees on the side of the road, and also all along the back of our fence. It smells WONDERFUL. And any kid from the country knows that not only is honeysuckle a delight for the ol' sniffer, but for our tummies as well! So while we were outside, Larr taught Aidan how to peel and eat the nectar from a honeysuckle flower. Sophia honestly couldn't have cared less, but Ace thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. "Mmmm...dewicious," he would say. We spent practically the whole day outside...first mowing, then swinging, eating honeysuckle, sliding, and finally playing kickball until almost dark. It was nothing less than perfect.