Well it's been quite a summer here at the Rhea house. There've been lots of home improvements, lots of good times, lots of memories made. One that is sure to stay with us always is Ace's 3rd birthday. We opted to have his party at the Gordon this year, which was awesome. It was a beautiful day, we had the pool to ourselves, there were mountains of sweets, and Ace got all kinds of goodies. Thanks to all of you who came, and to those who couldn't...we missed you! Instead of giving him several gifts this year, Larr and I decided that it might be fun to DO something with him. So that's what we did. And Saturday we took him to Fort Worth for his very first trip to the zoo! And for those of you who think the zoo is for kids only, I just have to firmly disagree with you. It was so awesome! The exhibits are amazing! It was pretty hot, and VERY crowded, but we honestly didn't mind a bit. Ace had a blast, and that's all we were hoping for. Check out our slide shows for pictures from the birthday party and the zoo!
What a busy 2 weekends yall had but betcha wouldn't trade them for the world. So glad Aidan had a good time at the zoo.
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