Aidan and Blue
posted by Larr at 4:27 PM
Aidan's favorite tv show is Blue's Clues. Pretty much every morning he runs into the living room and points at the tv wanting us to turn on one of the many Blue's Clues episodes we have recorded. Ask him if he wants to watch Blue when we are in another room and he turns and sprints into the living room. He dances and does most of the gestures during the songs. Click here to download a video clip of him dancing. Check out the picture below of Aidan watching Blue in the morning before he heads of to Mother's Day Out. Remember when we were kids and assumed the same position to watch our favorite cartoon? It's so cool to see things come full circle like that.

He does love his Blue's Clue, Dora, SG1 theme song & several particular commercials also...
Quite the little dancer too... ;)
Awesome! Thanks for the video...he is the coolest.
Mema can't open the clip. But the picture makes me want to cry. It could be any of my four setting there, glued to the screen. Cap..Kangroo, Uncle Jay, It is all the same for kids. Aidan, you have great taste in TV-Go Joe!! Go Steve!!
:) He could give Gene Kelly a run for his money!! Very cute!!
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