I've really gotten into carving pumpkins for halloween. Last year I did a witch stirring her brew and also did the headless horseman. Christi helped me a lot with the witch!! So far this year, I have done a castle and Christi has done a grinning ghost that's pictured below. We've never really been into the whole spirit of Halloween thing. For us, All Hallow's Eve typically consisted of a good movie and dinner furnished by Domino's. We'd stay hunkered down like a couple of hermits, muttering and deep sighing everytime the doorbell rang. Torn from our utterly important cinematic feature, we were forced to throw some candy to some chunky, ungrateful Tinkerbell. But now that Ace is here, it's like this grumpy dark cloud has been lifted, and we're all of a sudden skipping through the costume isle at Wal-Mart and buying candy in bulk. And it's also from here that my love for pumpkin carving has been born. What can I say? Having a kid brings out the kid in ya.

Aidan helped his mom get started on her pumpkin. Mostly he just enjoyed squishing the innards and tasting the seeds. Still a good little helper, though.

Kari and Joe also did some carving with us Saturday night....it was a ton of fun and I believe we are all going to carve some more before Halloween gets here. Below is the picture of all our pumpkins together. Joe did the scary skull, and Kari carved the deadly diva. Pretty cool, huh?