Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Oprah's Bright Idea

posted by Christi at 3:21 PM
I've never been certain just how I feel about Oprah Winfrey. To me she's always walked a dangerously fine line between being a saint and being plain 'ol pretentious. But I gotta give 'er some serious props for once 'cause she came up with a REALLY cool way to help the victims of Katrina get back on their feet. Ladies, you're especially gonna enjoy this. She's set up a registry on her website, like the ones used for weddings and babies, where people can shop for items to help furnish a home for a family who lost theirs to the hurricane. You can choose from something as simple as a toaster, or you can go all out and buy an entire kitchen. I love it. Mostly because I love to shop, I guess. But for those of you who would rather shovel poo than go through the turmoil of having to choose an item (i.e., you get stomach pains hoping it's a good item...the right item), there's also a place where you can make a simple cash donation. And for those of you who can swing it, you can even purchase a house to be built by Habitat for Humanity. Pretty cool, huh? Just go to and click on "Oprah's Katrina Home Registry" on the left. The main window in the middle will switch over. Click on that, and it'll take you to the registry. Sound confusing? Yeah, it is a little. I must've clicked on the first little window like 30 times before I ever realized what was happening. But it was well worth the wait!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Past few weeks

posted by Larr at 11:14 PM
Well not a whole lot has been going on just thought I would put up a quick post to let everybody know what has been going on. Aidan's first few times at mother's day out weren't too great. The first day he cried the whole day so we decided to have him go a half day untill he gets used to it. The second day was pretty much the same. Last Thursday was day three and progess was made.......he only cried some of the time and played with a few little girls. Hopefully he will get used to it very soon. Christi has been substituting about 3 or 4 days a week so that has been keeping her pretty busy. Her birthday is coming up so I get reminded of that a couple times a day. I've just been working, doing things around the house and trying to think of a good birthday present for Christi. I keep telling her she needs a new table saw or a new grill but for some reason she disagrees. I think mostly we are looking forward to events later on in the year. I think she's already started counting down the days to Christmas but I have my eyes on hunting season. Don't think either can get here quick enought for either of us. Well guess that's it......we'll try to post something again soon but who knows.