Friday, May 26, 2006

Peppers are a bloomin'

posted by Larr at 7:30 PM
Earlier this year I made myself a little jalapeno pepper garden. Next year I am going to grow more stuff, but for now I'm just startin' with the peppers. I've been waiting for them to start showing me something, and today they came through for me! Hopefully I will be able to make some stuffed peppers real soon!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

four years down...

posted by Christi at 9:02 AM
Larr and I can't believe that four whole years ago today we were getting married! Time sure does fly when you're having fun, huh? It's been an awesome journey so far, full of tears and joy, pain and laughter. I'm so lucky that I get to share it all with my best friend.