Last Sunday we went out to my Grandad's for some fishing and a weenie roast. And it was so much fun! The fish were biting pretty well, too. I think everyone caught (or nearly caught in my case...the fish were seriously hatin' on me) at least one. Larr had three really good ones, and my new cousin, Bailey, caught a HUGE bass!! She's only 10, so it pretty much made her day. Later we built a fire under a great shade tree and had hot dogs, chips, beans, and my favorite--smores! I think the award for "Most Fun Had in a Single Day" goes to Aidan, though. He and I shared a fishin' pole, he rode 4-wheelers with his Papa and gathered wood for the fire. And I'm pretty sure he ate more hot dogs and smores than I did. By the end of the day he was covered in dirt, smelled like a cow pattie, and was completely worn out. It was awesome.