Hey there everybody; long time no blog! We're still recuperating from a very busy Halloween, and I'm pretty sure I have diabetes now from all the sugar I've ingested over the last 48 hours. But man, it was fun!! I have soooo many pictures from the pumpkin carving, trick-or-treating, and pumpkin festival that I'm just gonna post the ones we posed of the kids in their costumes. Cuz let's face it, munchkins in costume...that's the best part of Halloween! With candy coming in at a very close second. :)
Ace Rhea was crew chief for Lightning McQueen!

Sophie Bug was Raggedy Ann, yarn hair and all!
I had to include this one. Skittles are her favorite candy...just look at those chipmunk cheeks! It's like she's storing nuts for the winter!!
My little ghoul and goblin...
And I couldn't resist adding this one. We were at Mema Tallant's house here. Sophie enjoyed another package of Skittles while her daddy enjoyed a power nap! Poor Larr...

Happy Halloween everyone!
Aren't they all absolutely adorable??? I've always said there wasn't anything more precious than a sleeping child... guess that never changes... :) I hope the kids had a great time this Halloween. They sure had a busy one that is for sure. Enjoy the candy!!! :)
oh my goodness!!!!!! CLARA was Raggedy Ann, too!!!!! exact same costume and everything!!!!!! that is so neat :) I must say, I saw way more of that cap on Sophie in just a few pictures than I ever did on Clara! she was NOT a fan. We will have to bring the outfits to Thanksgiving and dress them up and get a pic of our little dolls :)
They look adorable! I hate that I missed them this year. Sounds like they had plenty of fun though!! :D
What can I say? They are ADORABLE!!
Love to you all
Aunt Darlene
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