Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Big Foot in Paris, TX???

posted by Larr at 6:38 PM
I saw on a Tyler TV station web site that people had been searching for Big Foot at Lamar Point just North of Paris. I was blown away when I saw this. You can see it for yourself here. Do I believe there is such a thing as a Big Foot? Honestly I can't say one way or the other. I think I really want it be real just cause I think it would be cool. Until I see proof I'll always just kinda wonder. I don't think it is out of the question that there are creatures that we have never seen before. I have been told that at one time gorillas and sharks were thought to be myths. The people that were searching for Big Foot here do this all the time. You can check out their web site here. After reading about some of their encounters it makes you wonder. They invited along the reporter from the Tyler TV station one night. This reporter, an ex Navy Seal, went out there not really believing at all. After seeing a footprint with 57'' stepping strides, something very large stood up and squated back down in the swamp, seen through their infrared equipment. After seeing the huge dark figure run off into the woods, he says it makes him rethink what he believes. I don't know what you think or believe, but it just all makes me wonder.


Blogger Brian Rhea said...


That's good stuff! Inriguing for sure! I'm with you in the "I want this to be real because it would be cool" arena.

Do you kinda feel like the search for Bigfoot or Nessie is a little bit different than the search for (or belief in, despite the lack of evidence of) extraterrestrials? I do. The possibility for E.T. is almost just a matter of probability, you know?

But looking for Bigfoot or Nessie...I don't know, it's just a little more fanciful than looking for life outside of earth.

Either way, thanks for sharing!!

Also...dude, did you see the Rangers/Yanks series the past three days? Vomit.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Kari said...

Did you know a guy confessed on his death bed that a friend and him made "Nessie"...saw it on a documentary the other night :D

I agree it would be cool if bigfoot did exist, but I dont think that the creature people are seeing is big foot in the sense that we think of him. I do think there might be another species of ape or maybe even just a big bear beacuase some bears are said to stand on their back legs a lot. But who knows....he might just look like "Harry" :D

8:36 PM  
Blogger Tim and Melissa said...

Oh, had better not let your Mom see this report. That's entirely too close to her backyard. ;)
You know I vaguely remember Pepa talking about Bigfoot being near Paris, I think. Was it there or Arkansas, Mom?
Anyway, kinda neat.

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose it's not COMPLETELY out of the question that things like Big Foot or Nessie exist. But I also agree with B that it's probably more likely that there's undiscovered life OUTSIDE of Earth.

Or maybe it's just that I don't WANT it to be true. At least not here in our home town. I have this vision of every toothless, witless, gun toting idiot in America invading our little town with the hopes of "bringin' down the big 'un." The highways will be littered with not only trash, but dozens of tacky shacks claiming to have actual petrified Big Foot poo and autographed pictures of those that survived attacks. Oh please!

Here's the dealio. IF this Big Foot exists, he hasn't bothered anyone! So maybe we should just return the favor and let him continue to do his thing out in the woods. Perhaps a citywide viewing of Harry and the Hendersons could be of some benefit here?

8:59 AM  
Blogger Kari said...

I agree with Christi... I do see those tacky shackes along 271..."Get your authentic fresh Big Foot Po here!" We've got enough toothless idiots as it is :D

2:14 PM  

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