Sunday, July 23, 2006

Help us name the new baby!!

posted by Larr at 10:30 AM
Well after much thought, and maybe some bickering, we've managed to narrow our names for the new baby down to 3 boy names and 3 girl names. But we need your help! We've designed an online poll where you can vote for your favorite name for each sex. The winning name will be the one we choose for baby Rhea #2! Now we're not going to pretend that we're anywhere near strong enough to keep the sex of the baby a secret once we find out, but we'd like to try and let the winning name be a surprise. We're getting pretty excited about all this; our family is about to be complete! And we're most happy to have our loved ones play a part in the process, too. You can get to the poll by clicking here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if it is a boy it should be named Remington , if its a girl, Skeeter. My daughter loved these names i picked out.


1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I've voted for the first time...but it won't be my last, I'm sure of that. And I'll tell you guys my reasons for my choices for the new grandchild. For the boy name I chose Cole Thomas because I know Larry is a closet superhero. I'm sorry Larr, but it's time you told the world the truth! Some of your super powers are already showing up in Aidan. I mean how many 2 year olds already know his colors and letters of the alphabet!? The only concern I have about naming this child Cole is the Celtic meaning "warrior" which frightens me a bit. And having an older brother might mean there could be some rather rough scrapes ahead for the boys. We all know Aidan is also Celtic for "the firey one" and he lives up to his name, that's for sure. Just try telling him he can't go outside and see what happens!!!! So, this must be taken into consideration as well. But I can also see the strength that a boy could gain from having such a name. Standing up for what he believes in and a brother at his side to help right any wrongs that occur. That's why it's my choice for the boy. All I can say is, be careful what you wish for...or name your children!!! :)
Now, for the daughter's name choice. I have chosen Sofia Grace. I can't imagine a more beautiful conbination of character traits to give a child than wisdom and grace. If you've seen her mother,our beautiful daughter Christi, then you know that beauty is a wisdom, grace and beauty as this child's top 3 virtues. How could her life not be blessed by God!?
So there you have two choices. I can't wait until September when we find out which gender we'll get, then the voting will really get heavy!!!
Thank you both for letting us celebrate the coming of your 2nd child and for giving us the opportunity to help choose the name of him/her.
No matter what the name, you can be sure that Papa and I will love this grandchild just as much as we do our first!!!We are so blessed!!!
Much, much love always,

3:48 PM  
Blogger Kari said...

Well I have casted my vote! :) The boys name was a hard descision! Yall came up with 3 really good ones!! The girls name are all very pretty too, but one just stood out for me :) You guys did an awesome job with the names!! Cant wait to find out the name! :D Love you guys!!!

8:39 AM  
Blogger Tim and Melissa said...

I'm really liking all of them. "Thomas" is what we chose for Jacob, and of course Grace for a girl is just wonderful. I forgive you. :)

3:19 PM  

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